360east Store - 360east | design, media, technology
360east - 360east | design, media, technology
I was wandering the web when I ran into a cousin online. Not the metaphoric cousin but the blood one. We were talking and the name of a good friend of school days came up, Ahmad Humeid.
I looked him up and came across 360east. A great job Abu Hmaid! I was reading and reading when suddenly it dawned on me that I don't know Jordan. I thought I did, but I moved on a long time ago ... and so did Jordan.
Between 360east and talasim I am not sure I still fit in Jordan. And I did, I swear I did. Once, way back now. No wonder my quick visit leave me confused.
I was naive to think it was just the little things of how people dress, lack of respect (little thing? what am I saying, yalla ma 3alaina), taxi drivers ogling girls showing ass cracks and belly buttons.
It is not.
Ra'i 7urr