Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The day the job market reasserted its craziness

Today, very early in the morning, I took action and sent a company I had interviewed with for 4 and a half hours over 4 sessions on the phone, I sent it a head's up for potential competition brewing in my back yard.

I had gone quite far apparently in this application process, so as you can guess I was quite stunned I got this call from the man who beat me in the race. Felt humbled. The man as it turned out is a seasoned salesman, never mind the company has less than 1% of its annual income from hardware and the rest from software and in specific from the one kind of software I sort of know quite a lot about.

The guy wanted to chat because he has been told "I had many ideas" ! I had been rather naieve I must confess now. They are not interested in hiring me or paying me for my brain sweat, I was just being milked for my grey matter juices!

I am rather devout to my chosen discipline, so in a sense I did not mind, as any attention is good attention I reckon. But...

This guy was bad mouthing his new company, he told me he calls his region "the garbage dump of the world" and he's the regional rep for God's sake! How on earth was he chosen? After that last "garbage dump" bit, I had to cut it short, the guy knows nothing apparently and it was a waste of time to have him intermediate between me and the tech guys back at HQ somewhere in one of the burbs of sunny California. Who'd use an interpreter who'd miss half of what you say anyways?

The bottom line is this, let me know when you guys are shopping. Else, what a disappointment...I really thought you could do better guys.


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