Google's Arabic Double Whamy!
"ظپظٹ طظ‚ط¨ط© ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط²ظ…ظ†ط·"
Don't re-click on this link if you have already done that. And no, I am not repeating an entry. The link was a typo but it gave me a new insight into Google's Arabic, well eh... mess. I had some how screwed-up the link for the story from Al-Arabiya "news" site. The story is rubbish, but Al-Arabiya whose name litterally means "The Arab One" had this silly typo where the word "ط§ظ„ط²ظ…ظ† " appears as "ط§ظ„ط²ظ…ظ†ط· ".
I missed the link and had this been a real self-respecting news site, it would have caught and corrected. So I wondered on my way to locating this blemish so very typical of if this odd non-word had deen indexed by Google. I gave it a shot. Crap! It is there. What the...
Just in case, I am going through my Arabic-Arabic references to see if it exists...
Sheesh! I am good. This is not even a word.
So, let me get this straight: The top search results for a word quite common in Arabic are in Farsi and a word that is not even part of the language is indexed!?!
Am sorry to say this, but this is a world class entry. Going into the mother of ass log.
Larry, your guys in the EMEA office have my number, walla man, give it a shot.
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