Friday, May 05, 2006

Was I too harsh on Google's Arabic Search?

I woke up this morning thinking I was a little harsh on Google's Arabic search capabilities in my entry here about how an Arabic keyword search returns Farsi results.

I hadn't specified that I want search in Arabic pages. So I had to run the search specifying the search in Arabic pages, and I did.

And you know what? I still get results in Farsi. It is still early in the morning but a quick scan seems to have top results in Farsi.

So there you go, Larry, I am 100% confident Arabic search on Google is deficient and even ineffective in some times. And your hiring people for the Middle East, who are completely oblivious to how the problems occur and how to solve them, is like the blind leading the blind. And, just because the leading blind happen to be from the neighborhood where the neighborhood stretches for millions of square miles/kilmoeters and the neighbors are about 300-400 million.

No, I was not too harsh on Google's Arabic search, I'm doing you favors.


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